The Resurrection of Jesus was on a Sabbath Morning

The 7 Biblical Proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath

Jesus rose on His day (Sabbath) and not on the pagan worship day (Sunday) of the sun god. Jesus was resurrected on the only day of rest (Sabbath) ever blessed and sanctified by God and not on an unblessed ordinary working day (Sunday). This can be proved easily and quickly:



The Basics:


Definition:  Day,  Evening,  „between the evenings“SabbathHigh SabbathPre-Sabbath,  WeekFirst Fruits

The Interlinear Bible - The literal translation of the Greek New Testament (NT) - shows shows the Sabbath resurrection 

The opinions of the churches about the day of the resurrection of Jesus 


The seven scientific proofs that Jesus rose from the dead on a Sabbath morning:

  1.  The basic Greek text never mentions the Sunday or the week  

  2.  The resurrection day is named 7 times with the name "Sabbath"   

  3.  The preparation day was not a Friday but a Wednesday 

  4.  There was at least one day (Intermediate day) between the two Sabbaths (15th and 17th Nisan) 

  5.  The sign of the Messias: Jesus was „3 days and 3 nights“ in the heart of the earth 

  6.  The manipulations and contradictions of theologians prove the correctness of the Bible  

       Introduction: The reasons why translation errors were made by theologians 

       The greatest translation mistake in the history of mankind: „μια των σαββατων" (mia ton sabbaton) 

6.1  The word "Sabbath" was replaced by the words "week" and "Sunday 

6.2  The plural "σαββατων" (Sabbaths) has been reinterpreted as "week" or "Sunday" (singular) 

6.3  „On the one“ was replaced by „on the first“ 

6.4  „On a Sabbath“ has been replaced by „AFTER a Sabbath“ 

6.5  The „Day of the Sabbaths“ was replaced by the „Day of the Sun“ (Sunday)  

6.6  "Evening" and "into" were replaced by "AFTER"

6.7  Sunday was made the „Lord's Day 

  7.  Many old Bibles proclaim the resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath or Saturday morning 

7.1  Greek Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.2  Latin Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.3  Gothic Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.4.1  German Bible manuscripts show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.4.2  German Bible prints 1 (before Luther) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.4.3  German Bible prints 2 (since Luther until 1599) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.4.4  German Bible prints 3 (since 1600 until 1899) show the Sabbath resurrection

7.4.5  German Bible prints 4 (since 1900 until today) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.5.1  English Bible manuscripts show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.5.2  English Bible prints 1 (from 1526 to 1799) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.5.3  English Bible prints 2 (from 1800 to 1945) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.5.4  English Bible prints 3 (from 1946 to 2002) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.5.5  English Bible prints 4 (since 2003 until today) show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.6   Spanish Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.7   French Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.8   Swedish Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.9   Czech Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.10 Italian Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.11 Dutch Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 

7.12 Slovenian Bibles show the Sabbath resurrection 


Study and translation of the Bible verses that mention the Sabbath:

„μια των σαββατων“ (mia ton sabbaton) - The worst translation error in the history of mankind 

Matthew 28:1 

Mark 16:2 

Mark 16:9 

Luke 24:1 

John 20:1 

John 20:19

Acts 20:7 

1Cor 16:2

Luke 18:2 

List of abbreviations of the cited Bible translations  



The official resurrection of Jesus „on a Sabbath morning“ in 7 languages 

The Great Sabbath (Shabbat ha-Gadol) on Nisan 10 

The Slaughter of the Lambs on the Sabbath, Nisan 14 

The Palm Sunday is in reality a Palm Sabbath 

The Omer (the first sheaf of barley) and the counting of the 7 Sabbaths between Passover and Pentecost  

First Fruits is no a High Sabbath

The „Church of God“ (Herbert W. Armstrong) and its Resurrection Sunday

The Seventh-Day Adventists and their Love for Sunday and the catholic calendar

Amir Tsarfati's „First Fruits Resurrection Sunday“

Quotes from the Catholic Church on the Day of the Crucifixion and Resurrection


 Summary:   Summary - The facts about the resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath morning 



Sabbath Resurrection week
Jesus died in the middle of the week
Resurrection Sabbath, Sabbath Resurrection Jesus Passover week
During the Passover celebration there are three Sabbaths and three preparation days
Resurrection Sabbath Jesus, Sabbath Resurrection
The Resurrection Sabbath: Jesus rose from the dead after "3 days and 3 nights" on the "first Sabbath"
Resurrection Sabbath morning, Jesus women tomb Sabbath Saturday
Resurrection Sabbath: The women prepared the spices after the Sabbath and came to the tomb on a Sabbath morning

Video: Resurrection Sabbath - The Sign of the Messiah






"But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.

Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increas"

 (Daniel 12:4)






 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil"

(1Thess 5:21-22)






"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them"

(Epheser 5:11)